bonded out chasings - cracks while drying

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New Member

Was wondering,

I unibond chasings, then I bond them out, and when they are setting, there may be hairline cracks appear as they are drying e.g on the outside edge of the bonding/inside of the chasing.

Basically, when skimming these later on in the day or next day, will these hairline cracks show up in the skimming at a later date, ..

no you will be fine but i would suggest going back when you have applied the bonding to give it a bit of water and sorting the cracks out before it sets.
happens all the time mate the chase crazes too sometimes very rare it'll come through the skimming
sounds like suction to high.and drawing water out the plaster too quick....use universal one coat for chases no cracking it stops all scution and good to skim on as long as you dont close it in.....just wet background with water then trowel in one coat...fantastic stuff for chases
what do you do phippsy just slap it in in one go or two coat it ?......if you do do you wait for the first coat to pick up coat chases un less 50mM deep......bonding can be brought out 20 mm then if deeper u have to scratch and bring it out coat..mix one batch slap straight in leave 10 or so min then lay same mix in to bring out .....but i find i can cover 40mm chases on first pass with no problem...just make sure you wett bricks etc to get dust out....that can cause problems...theres so much adhesive in onecoat itll stick with or without pva...i find it fecking fanstic on old blown plaster onto render, just wet down ...tight coat of one coat on render....flatten with wet sponge in 5 mins then skim in 15mins...stops the suction.....instead of doing 15 quid on pva......but i do normally give the render a really weak pva water slap 1st ........i love it for kitchens where tiling fecked the background...slap on sponge flat...tiler loves it cause thge suctions low and he can lay a fair amount before tile adhisive goes off.........the swiss army knife of plaster always got a bag of it...i also stick all my beads on with it...but thats slightly G** i know
Id like to try it but having never used it ill stick to what i know ..... dont wanna mince it up and spend hours trying to put it right again .

I started using one coat for chases as we dont have bonding here and simply it is easier and far better.
@phippsy333 what do you mean when you say make sure you dont close it in before you skim it?

also where do you get your universal one coat from m8. Also I expect it can be used on generall patching and holes not just chasings.

erm right closing in.....dont trowel in after u run the sponge flat over it leave it rough for a key for the finish plaster.....local builders merchant...anyone who can get british gypsum not for patching....i wouldnt anyway,to thin it rips...but for chases its the daddy
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