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thats dabbing mate most houses are done this way nowadays
Sorry, i didnt really make it very clear. I was trying to ask if anyone dabs it this way. I dont run a line at the top and bottom just do dabs in rows. I think i should have put dabbing instead of boarding as the title!!
we ve been told you gotta solid dab tops , skirting , perimeter of doors , perimeter of windows, reveals, sockets ,external angles and internal angles, f@ck me should just float it wouldnt take as much gear
hi mate .... in answer to your question yes i do it this way..... what other way is there??? unless screw to studs??
do it pretty much the same only get the first board on a wall set first plumbed up an level then fly the rest up off that board
any one used that insta stick spray on stuff? looks good..will go on timber to..looks quick and less mess. but never bothered to buy any.
Dont do it that way here in Spain as it is not regs but in the U.K. it is N.H.B.C. regs that all perimiters including doors and windows are solid bedded so you should all be doing that way at least on new builds anyway.
thats ruff not enough dabs on the middle and he has broken the biggest rule of dabbing he hasnt dabbed solid dabs all around the gas pipe, if someone bangs a hole through that pipe the gas will leak behind the whole wall before you knew it.......................ruff very ruff, also a foot leaver would of closed the big gaps at the top of the boards.
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