Board Props

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Well-Known Member
just been down to aldi and theyve got Heavy duty board props, £5.99 each. just picked up 4. get a 3 year guarantee with them aswell.
warriorupnorth said:
Yep got same ones :-*

but you werent considerate enough to tell the other lads were you. miserable b*****d. I'm suprised you haven't bought them and knocked them out at £15 quid a pair ;D
steve have they got plastic handles or metal??
had 2 from tool station a snapped both handles :(
good price them aldi ones :o
i got some of those a couple of months back, better quality than the screwfix ones for a quarter of the price
cheers mate going to pop down a have a few ..
bit of a tip if you do f**k the a cheap silicon gun, the handles are exactly the same (but metal)..drill out the rivets and swap to the prop with nut & bolts.
no more up a ladder with 8x4 on your head with piece of plastic in your hand :'(
they are the same as mine ..... now listen to me and listen good ..... I have been through about 3 pairs of these cause the handles kept snapping so what i did in the end was to half fill the handles with gripfill and push in 2 long screws let it go off foe a couple of days and then completly fill with grip fill .

they have been strong as an ox since my excellent modification :)
richardbrown said:
they are the same as mine ..... now listen to me and listen good ..... I have been through about 3 pairs of these cause the handles kept snapping so what i did in the end was to half fill the handles with gripfill and push in 2 long screws let it go off foe a couple of days and then completly fill with grip fill .

they have been strong as an ox since my excellent modification :)
top tip
I had some from screwfix about 3yrs ago & still got em today!
my mate had some roughly the same time & he went through 2 pairs from screwfix
then he bought the yellow ones from b&q (like the aldi ones above)& he broke 2 pairs of them ?
Now he said they are 5hit & has gone back to using a deadman :-\

The last pair he broke he was squeezing it as tight as it'd go & it snapped :o
I said what ya doin it only needs to pinch it!

If your using 2 per board they only need to be pinch tight no need to squeeze fcuk out the handles!!!

They'll only snap under pressure ;) or if you've had 3 double sos n egg muffin meals on the way to work like rich ;D

Moral of the story: Its only holding a piece of plasterboard up not a fcukin tank ;D ;D

Pinch tight! REMEMBER Pinch tight!
dan said:
whats a deadman? no jokes either lol

Well it's a man that's dead of course!! ;)

Imagine a piece of 3x2 in a T shape similar to this pic:

Board Props
dan said:
ah rite got ya cheers mate do you find props easier then?

I do to be honest, but a deadman works just as good really ;)
Flatboy skim is the expert on dead men though mate best to ask him :)
I know people who make a new dead man on every job they do, big waste of time.
I love it when I'm using 2 props and don't do one up enough. Couple of screws, then s**t, prop goes slidding off, narowly missing the window. There was another thred where someone said you shouldn't use them, instead hold them up with one hand and screw with other. I said a few things but have received no reply yet, maybe he hurt his back and can't use a computer
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