board finish set time

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New Member
anybody avin probs with board finish,been using it day in day out for years,past couple of weeks the set on it has speeded up no end right pain,nothing were doing wrong just setting fast and thats been like that from most local merchants from around our way,started using multi all the time at the moment no probs at all.
anybody else nooticed the set time different
could beall kinds mate we had it last yr on a job i was literally laying it on the lad was flatening behind me it was going that quick it was just a dodgy batch i think the pallet we got after that one was fine.

ive heard lads having the same problems when the boards have been up a while an been in direct sunlight
had the same probs from about four different merchants around our way even tried wickes ,use it on several differnt jobs same prob,but the multi is fine cant under stand it unless its one big batch problem.thought id give it another go on a job that we boarded out friday,same again non stop for 2 hours trowelin,so used multi on the rest that was fine
found i had problem saturday..had a large wall in an office...same as,i layed on and my man was smoothing down 5 metres behind.nearly caught use out on 1st hit in some the same multi no probs
got some serious issues with it there then if u feel your not working hard enough with it tho mix it with dirty water the idiot ive been using to mix this week has been doin that and washing out into my water barrels and i thought i was being tight only payin him 30 a day i feel like ive been ripped off now haha
i had the same problem with multi a few weeks ago... soon back to normal though... just 10 bags off a batch..though it was me
Gods honest truth i have been working on sites for years and then moved onto the small builder etc etc and never once have i seen anyone use board finish, not once, ive not even seen a bag of it on site!!!.

Rich Brown
richardbrown said:
Gods honest truth i have been working on sites for years and then moved onto the small builder etc etc and never once have i seen anyone use board finish, not once, ive not even seen a bag of it on site!!!.

Rich Brown
strange world we live in eh? few years back a lot of the 'proper' plasterers were sayin 'dont use that multi crap, its for diy'ers, never have done, never will etc.etc...'
but if i remember rightly (anyone else?) bags of board used to have 2.5 hour set time written on the bag and multi had 3 hours...
now they both say 1.5 hours...
sppose thats per coat..
and to be honest i dont notice a great deal of difference..
cept where theres no suction and boardy works better...
bigsegs said:
richardbrown said:
Gods honest truth i have been working on sites for years and then moved onto the small builder etc etc and never once have i seen anyone use board finish, not once, ive not even seen a bag of it on site!!!.

Rich Brown
strange world we live in eh? few years back a lot of the 'proper' plasterers were sayin 'dont use that multi crap, its for diy'ers, never have done, never will etc.etc...'
but if i remember rightly (anyone else?) bags of board used to have 2.5 hour set time written on the bag and multi had 3 hours...
now they both say 1.5 hours...
sppose thats per coat..
and to be honest i dont notice a great deal of difference..
cept where theres no suction and boardy works better...

Maybe im just a diy'er then :(

no disrespect intended rich but how many years has multi been available? so to make the statement that youve never seen anyone use board finish? or have you always worked alone? seems a helluva statement?
same here im a site monkey and its always multi.........strange really boards designed for board and 90% of the works skimming board
ye i was brought up exactly with same plastererd for 15/ 16 year and it only been the past 3 years that i have started to use multi as always used bored for the setting times but recently been using it a lot more cause its cheeper
bigsegs said:
richardbrown said:
Gods honest truth i have been working on sites for years and then moved onto the small builder etc etc and never once have i seen anyone use board finish, not once, ive not even seen a bag of it on site!!!.

Rich Brown
strange world we live in eh? few years back a lot of the 'proper' plasterers were sayin 'dont use that multi crap, its for diy'ers, never have done, never will etc.etc...'
but if i remember rightly (anyone else?) bags of board used to have 2.5 hour set time written on the bag and multi had 3 hours...
now they both say 1.5 hours...
sppose thats per coat..
and to be honest i dont notice a great deal of difference..
cept where theres no suction and boardy works better...
tried the board again today same problem got to be bg fault,by the way ricard ive seen plenty of board finish on sites in the past and present,multis alright for the diyer ;)
the thing about board finish is if you get a bit of suction over what a brand new board would normally give youve gotta run round like a funky chicken to catch it, multi is a lot more forgiving in that respect cos it likes bit of suction to work properly..board will do for multi but only just. skimming boards with multi is very similar to skimming wba with board finish i find..
I used to know lads who used boardy for everything, overskims the lot and its only recently ive realised how they made it work..
pva'd the day before near enuff neat and let it dry completely..
just off the topic slightly...
has anyone ever run out of boardy on a mix and topped it up with multi only to find it took fookin forever to go off? but went off nice, just reaaaal slow?
when its not setting moodily its far superior to multi finish....set designed to do rolling gauges due to its consistency it can be smoothed down quicker and can be layed onto quicker......Rich if u say u like a rolling gauge id sugest you give it a go might surprise a good way
also seg..i often use board finish to top up multi / thicken it up at the end of a give a far better finish than multi on its own i think...and their fine to mix...i asked
you find it slows it down a touch phippsy? or was it just me on the day? i did get a beltin finish on it though.. massive ceiling but i ended up with 4 hours on it.. and this was august last year!
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