browning was wicked for knocking up 50/50 with finish... we used to do it donkeys ago on the windows for a one coat plaster, trowelled up loverly....
id say without board finish available jobs with next to no suction are a pain with multi... boardy goes great where multi grins at you for an hour and a half then goes off all at once...
i think boardy has a gradual built in set time wheras multi relies on suction to give you that same effect...
never realised it before but it was mentioned on here earlier on in the year so i put it to the test, and its right...
had a overskim wall that i'd pva'd, turns out it had already been sealed with some sort of 'waterseal' product and it was a nightmare...
50/50 multi and boardy on board just takes all day to go off... did a big ceiling a while ago and used the last full bag of boardy on the first coat, topping got rest of the boardy (1/2 bag) and the rest multi...
started around 9, should really have had a couple of walls too, final trowelled it (still no dark spots btw) at around 1 - 1:30...
dont assume im right about this but i'd reckon multi has some sort of retarder in it wheras boardy doesnt...