Board Finish? Multi?

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New Member
Please can you boys tell us the difference betwen multi & board finish?
I've always used multi for reskim and boards not had a problem, is board finsh just as good for boards? any difference?

Cheers hope everyones still busy!!
If you want a detailed informative answer seggs is the man to ask but what i would say is give it ago and see what your preference is, i personally prefer multi as it goes off quicker.
only used boardy once mate try mixing them 50/50 and errm se what happens :-?
Not when ive used it, it havent, it seems to stay wet for ages :-? and its a bit more grainier to tell you truth there aint alot of difference in them. Years ago there was 2 finishes carlite and board carlite was for roughing and board was for well board then multi came onto the scene making all other finishes obsolete but there are still people who want to use board so they still make it its like browning they still make that WHY?
Yeah we used to years ago but i am not saying its the right thing to do as multi would do a better job and i think board is a bit more expensive.
Bod u asked why they still make Browning, its so easy to patch chases ect. with Browning, and to make up to exsisting old work when you are down to the block work or brick espicially if there aint enough room to dab a board on, its much easier than useing Bonding or Hardwall, as for board or Multi i agree dont really know why they still make Board finish the only thing I can think why is it usually goes off faster than multi
You can use board finish on reskims as long as theres not much suction anything with high suction use multi , i think BG say its set time is half an hour quicker than multi finish , out of the two i like board finish
whats the difference between browing and hardwall mate never used browning?
Havent used browning since hardwall came out :-[ as i remember i dont think theres much between hardwall and browning texture wise maybe the browning was a bit finer and  it was a very soft backing plaster counldnt take a knock without it denting and it had its own top coat plaster called carlite finish which used on it , thats where harwall comes in for its meant to be more inpact resistant and im not sure if you could skim browning the same day ?
browning was wicked for knocking up 50/50 with finish... we used to do it donkeys ago on the windows for a one coat plaster, trowelled up loverly....
id say without board finish available jobs with next to no suction are a pain with multi... boardy goes great where multi grins at you for an hour and a half then goes off all at once...
i think boardy has a gradual built in set time wheras multi relies on suction to give you that same effect...
never realised it before but it was mentioned on here earlier on in the year so i put it to the test, and its right...
had a overskim wall that i'd pva'd, turns out it had already been sealed with some sort of 'waterseal' product and it was a nightmare...
50/50 multi and boardy on board just takes all day to go off... did a big ceiling a while ago and used the last full bag of boardy on the first coat, topping got rest of the boardy (1/2 bag) and the rest multi...
started around 9, should really have had a couple of walls too, final trowelled it (still no dark spots btw) at around 1 - 1:30...
dont assume im right about this but i'd reckon multi has some sort of retarder in it wheras boardy doesnt...
yeh i would say so, i find if you chuck loads of water at multi it just all turns to fat... means that on a worst caser you can get it back a bit i suppose wheras i find boardy will have a drink and just help you along a bit.. im gettin to like boardy more and more for overskims... seal the f'ck out of the wall and have it with board finish... goes real nice, dont seem to get the 'cream cheese' effect that multi gives you sometimes...
just havin the odd small set with boardy at the mo but ive known a good few spreads over the last 10 years or so that just will not use multi under any circumstances...
nearly always board finish over board though...
i once heard yonks ago that board finish was 'sharp' grained and carlite finish was more rounded and that was why it was called 'thistle' board finish... but that was before multi finish (which is also 'thistle' innit)...
only used it once mate ............dont know why cause 90% of my works skimming but it feeled creamier ........just use it as normal mate chuck it on the floor and clean up after for me ;)
multi: can be used on most mate, boards reskims and backing plaster

board: goes on low suction backgrounds so board or reskims
so im doin an over skim of a house at the mo all the wallpaper if off and its painted pva slides all over them and they dnt have much would boardy be better then multi?
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