bloody chippys'

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Hello chaps

just another rant .......

WHy do chippy's think that when they put a door lining in they can have it hang over 10mm + past the board work??? 3mm - 5mm is perfect any more and it F*&K the jobs right up. All the chippy's I see do it.... did they not learn how to fit door linings at college????

stuck a claw hammer in some today and ripped em off and got askked what I was was doing my reply EFF Em they can put it back when I am done

I have never seen board work lik eit on this job my sis could have done better!! gaps I could put windows in steps that put my hop up to shame.... come people where the hell is the pridde???

Plasterers are not Magicians!!! We also are normally massive and will argue so why do they always want to annoy us???

Anyway other than that my last few days have been perfect... not being one to moan

There was an albanian labourer who decided to pick up my skimming trowel and hack at brickwork with it I dont know how I did not throw him down the stairwell

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