bill ( new member )

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Active Member
Hi, my names Bill, i'm from the Brighton area and been a plasterer for nearly 30 yrs.Will be posting regularly soon.
good lad, welcome to the forum :RpS_thumbup:

have you got a brother called bob? :RpS_mellow:
Not that part of Brighton mate !

Nothing to be ashmed of mate being G**.
But a word of warning if u work with me ill take the ceiling line and u the bottom.
But that dont make me TOP and you BOTTOM ok.
Glad we got that out the way.Hows work for u at the minute ?
Busy for 3 months uptil xmas and managed to put a bit of money behind me. The rest of the year was pretty desperate though and was relying on my regulars. There is hardly any site work and people are going for the cheapest quotes . Its always been like this in our game, peaks and troughs, you just got to ride it out till it picks up. Just stick with it and spend less than you earn ! ( if you can )
Yeah it is hard at the minute mate. Work i mean (not my cock )
Things will pick up in next few months hopefully.
Pricing is getting hard becuse people are desperate and putting silly prices in to feed ther families,its a vicious circle.
Cant be easy being G** either must put a few people off!!!!
Welcome Bill. I've got family in Brigton, hove and rottingdean. lovely part of the world.
Am from the north mate grimsby you know we wear flap claps race pidgons and have wippets so am told. Yer I still love the game miss the banter of site work
but find each year a little harder from the last. I used to have a 5 speed gearbox now it takes me all my time to get into 4th oh well that's the life.
Hi Bill, you can see a lot of my work in the Churchill shopping centre,though it looks a lot better from my house.
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