big rendering job, adivce needed!

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here it is, a whopping 2 square meters for me to render :o haha

big rendering job, adivce needed!

big rendering job, adivce needed!

nice easy job for a neighbour and another neighbour wants theirs hacking off and redoing as the builder was a spanner and its falling off. but theirs is different... window is set back from the rest of the brick work and the render also doesnt go across the whole wall... as it has a smaller window.. so is 1 bricks length in from each end and also goes up each side of the wall each side of the window right to the top..., but is still recessed back level with the rest of the brick work... so im happy to hack it off and redo it

but for the one pictured... i was thinking the best way to do it would be across the whole front with hard angles each end and the small ammount at the top that would protrude either side of the window i could blend/feather that in slightly as opposed to it just being cut square.

also.. the blue bricks below the window frame protrude about 1cm or so... would i be alright to scratch up to the bottom edge of them, then put a sand cement slurry mix (whatever its called?) dabbed/slopped on with a brush over the blue bricks... and then the next day apply the top coat?
drip bead across the bottom ofcourse.. which strangely the builder didnt use on the other property
any thoughts?
having said that tho... i reckon it'd look out of place going past the window frame... to instead i think it'd be beter to form a hard angle and run straight down from each end of the window... anyone else agree?
Are you doing the returns? or is it just the front? For the front just put a stop bead on either side of the brick work and a bellcast above the blue brick, use stainless beads same for window reveals, cant see the window head, so use bellcast above window protruding about 3" either side. And unscrew the down spout and take it off you'll find it easier to render
do all three sides mate, it'll look miles better..
better still
do it in flexi :)
The widow cill is not sticking out far enough for 2 coat rendering , do it by all means but if you dont change the cill it will quack mate .
here we go, in true spying on the neighbour fashion... the first pic (house on the right) is showing the house ive pictured above in my first post

big rendering job, adivce needed!

and this next pic (house on left with brown door) is the one that need hacking off and redoing ground floor behind cars)

big rendering job, adivce needed!

as you can see i live on a street where random parts of the houses are rendered, we have render round our front door like the house with the red garage, but not below the living room window..

but anyway, yes its just below the window that needs doing, and the other one will be exactly the same but done properly.
the tip of the window cill protrudes a good 2 inches from the brickwork just not visable in the pics very well, surely thats ok?
25mm minimum projection for drip on a 150 cill (measured from back edge of window) if you dont get that its a p'ss job to yank the window out and fit a 180 cill (easily obtained from any 'home improvement' (double glazing) firm)

(i used to be a 'window fitter')
cant be 100% but from here it looks like shield by synseal profile, crash in external beads on tape.. you'd need a roll of tape if theyve stuck any fixings through the fixed pane..
ah now you've confused me, i kind of get the giste of what your saying, but at the very same time i have no idea of what your on about :D

do you mean.... that the drip bead at the bottom of the wall should protrude 25mm ahead of the edge of the cill?
no mate the window cill.. what church was on about..
ill bet any money its a 150 cill anyway... just depends on where theyve sat the window..
if it aint on cavity closers (and it wont be on a garage conversion) then the back edge of the window should be flush with the back edge of the brick, so a 150 cill will give you 50mm projection..
the 'drip' is why the cill has a hooked nose.. so water drips off it and doesnt track back under the underside and down the wall..
ah now im with ya! was wondering why id want the water to run off the cill and hit the bellcast :D ill check it out tomorow, cheers 8)
might aswell be bars on the windows like a prison living on a housing estate in the middle of nowhereville.

i dont fancy taking the window frames out to put on a new cill :-\ might just use monocouche... that can be applied thinner cant it? i think.. ???
its only a little bit why not just throw one coat on and float up as you go?
church'll prolly shoot me now ::)
Lol segs ..... click ..... click ....... BANG ...... Mono would look smart on the front of that house trouble would be getting hold of a small amount without paying a fortune (£60) for a part order
the easy part would be getting hold of the mono, lecturer at college said i can have a couple of bags since they have pallets full of the stuff 8) weber pral.M to be precise and theres some unnamed ones which i pressume are same, just they say test batch on em... only snag is there all cream in colour :-\ be ok to paint surely?
anyway chuchy, when are you gona do rendering for us in the faq??
i realise theres no such thing as 'basic' rendering in your book mate but a few good pointers wouldnt go amiss.. you know, mashed potato, right to left, few do's and donts an possibly 'why's'..?
how to fix beads...
i aint got the balls to even attempt it with you around mate..
c'mon plllleeeeeaaaasssse???
heston? ;D
pftmonojetman said:
Why would you want to paint mono?? its through coloured

cos i get a few bags for free (cream) but the rest of the property is in white
mrspoon said:
pftmonojetman said:
Why would you want to paint mono?? its through coloured

cos i get a few bags for free (cream) but the rest of the property is in white
Right i got you, you would want to float finish it though, not scrape it unless the rest of the house is a scrape finish
ive no ideas what to charge for the work.. i know they wont take me long to do and i'll be doing them at the same time... but ive still no idea what to charge ???

1 of em just needs doing, the other need hacking off first
didnt know you could float up mono..... i need educating more i think! tho i think i'll be sticking with sand cement on this occassion as i know what im doing, ill leave the mono till ive messed up a few walls at college first 8)
bigsegs said:
anyway chuchy, when are you gona do rendering for us in the faq??
i realise theres no such thing as 'basic' rendering in your book mate but a few good pointers wouldnt go amiss.. you know, mashed potato, right to left, few do's and donts an possibly 'why's'..?
how to fix beads...
i aint got the balls to even attempt it with you around mate..
c'mon plllleeeeeaaaasssse???
heston? ;D

I will mate when i get a chance maybe tonight after a few lar
gers ...... what you think ?
sple chkqreus dnot wrok wneh eur pised mtae, iev tredi!
anyway mush, happy birthday for tomorrow!!
;D i know what you mean ::) cheers for the birthday wishes ,im not having more after this one ,banned from this house from tommorow :'(
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