best way patch in on plaster board?

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New Member
just went 2 look at a job thats had a re wire...loads square holes in laster boarded walls...

i guess u just batton be hind add plaster board skrim then fade in over the top..
and make sure no skrim showes
when i patch plaster board. i cut a piece of plasterboard a tiny bit smaller than the hole, be it square or circle. then seal the edges of the plasterboard with pva or paint leave it to dry then grip fill the edges and place it in the hole.
Might be just me but if there are loads of holes then I'd rather skim the whole wall than patch. Just find it easier and more pleasing on the eye of the customer. I'm all about customer satisfaction after all ;D
the way i do is to cut a piece of plasterboard the same width as the hole, cut it to length but add half inch either side. poke a long nail through the plasterboard and put some board adhesive on both sides of the board. put the board in the hole and pull the nail and it will stick to the back of the plasterboard. fill in the rest of the hole with board adhesive so its nearlly flush, let it set then patch in with plaster, hope this makes ant sort of sense to you.
thanks sounds better than cuttin in a pice and then skrimin it..cuz then u have 2 patch bigger 2 hide the skrim...

and the hole house is patchs about 2 on each wall so can over skim the hole wall 4 that reali...i do no wot u meen by skimin it dow..i do if its got a few in and its only 1 wall..

find it hard 2 price patchs...
iv done 1 day 2 prep all..1 day 2 skim all...£120 plus £120 for a elco mate to take all face plates back off for me and then re fit them after so i can do a better job..
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