Best Sequence

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Hello All
Just after some advice on the best sequence to hit a standard size room on board, my current way is ceiling first with reveals then opposing 2 walls next set then final set remaining 2 walls, should I stick with this or is there a better way I could be doing it, I work on my own so no labourer, cheers for any advice
depends how big the rooms is. if its a smaller room i tend to do ceiling, 2 opposing walls and possible the reveals, then the other two walls. alot of plasterers don't like wet corners though.
Thats sounds ok to me stick with it , you could do it in 2 hits if you want to use a internal angle trowel but if your happy and get good results dont worry .
again depending on the size of the room ill do the ceiling and 1 wall and reveals then the 3 walls.
sounds good to me mate, if its domestic work then stick as you are and take the extra time cleaning windows and skirtings etc.
Depends on the size like others have said.If its a small room ceiling + 1wall +reveals if time.then 3 walls and home.SIZE MATTERS !!!!!!!
ceiling wall 1st ...a top reveal if theres anything left on the table....the rest second hit with opposite reveals.....what ever works for you...push it and standards go down, dont push it...never get around like a blue arsed fly......always.....thought that was solo plastering lol
i remember pushing a job i was on my stilts i hit the ceiling and top of all 4 walls then got off and hit the bottom of walls.. the got a 18" out quick flaten the second coat same as.. rushing around like a c**t.. bit of deco caulk in corners day later jobs a good un never again
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