Cheers for the helpChoose the insulation board for the u-value required and any fire regs that might be needed to meet. You have eps, pir, pur, mineral wool etc etc.
Good thin coat systems:
Knauf marmorit
Sas prorend
And more but can't go wrong with any of the above
A firm local in Fenton deals with styrobond for the adhesive/base coat but primer/finish is a bit on the high side k - rend seemed a good deal i take this popular with u lads on ere when using eps insulation ??
There rep got in touch yeh there place isn't far from me ,she recommended acrylic finish is there any pitfalls I should be aware of or is is straight forward enoughJust ring Envirowall get all from there it's cheap enough
There rep got in touch yeh there place isn't far from me ,she recommended acrylic finish is there any pitfalls I should be aware of or is is straight forward enough
Get some one on board to help you out mate I would.this will give you a good idea how to do your next oneSorry I mean is that the best finish too use because she mentioned the silicone finish aswell what's the difference ??