Being a plasterer sucks

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Just got home from one sucky day, been stood outside a bath room all day waiting for a plumber to finish as he kept saying he will be 10 mins when he was in fact 3 hours :( When we actually got in there it was too late to get a set on, so got all the dot n dab done and set it all up, when i asked who do i charge day work to the plumber had right fit :o thought it was gonna go off. the site foreman had to calm the situation down and said he will sort it, trouble is ive heard, I will sort it out a million times and it never gets sorted, its just a way to palm you off. And to top it of we are getting pulled on our work as it is mostly a reskim the walls are slightly out as it is a victorian building the architects are saying the walls have to be 1mm tolerance you just aint gonna get it as most of the wall are upto 2 inches out the bloody architect dont know his ass from his elbow, but giving us grief for something that was plastered over 100 years ago. The prices are very tight as well. Dont you just love being a plasterer ;D
I wish i could they are owing me a few quid now, and they got a few big jobs in the pipeline so got to suck it in. Jobs getting me down a bit now, so i think we are gonna pull off for a couple of days so all the kinks can be sorted and we can have a fresh go at it when we get back, well thats if the weather holds off as we got a little external render job.
had a similar situation with some newbie property developers, nailed the price to the floor to start with..
then the bathroom was artex walls all over, they didnt wanna pay for overboarding, which is what i suggested to level everything out...just skim it, long as its smooth they said...
then they came to tile it...course they didnt have a clue how to tile either so they back onto me moaning the walls aint level...
then theyre givin me grief cos they bought this cheap shite shower screen that needed to go on a perfectly flat wall, course the tiles were friggin all over the place, i ended up buyin a decent adjustable screen, fittin it for em and sortin out the shite tiling...
never again...
if i were you mate id get onto whoever is responsible for the 'architects spec', tell em they can have it level to within 3mm (aint that the rendering standard over 3m) but they have to pay you twice, once to bond it level, once to skim it, any problems mention the phrase 'expert witness' or ask em to introduce you to the bloke who thinks you can take 2 inches out of a wall with a couple of bags of finish plaster...
I've been mugged off with the "plenty more work in the pipeline" sh*te before. 9 times out of10, It don't always materialize. Talk to the head honcho, if he won't have it, walk.
I think i am living i bizzaro land as went to work today and every one on site couldnt do enough for us including the foreman, and explained to us he will give us day work for our troubles, was going to pull off site tomorrow but the job we were gonna do has been postponed, so sticking with the job, they do have 3 sites going and we are the only spreads on. Have put the feelers out to a few other local spreads and they told us there isnt much about at mo.
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