beading help

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New Member
hi im a pretty keed diyer and im going to attempt to render the back of my extension! if you exclude the window its about 4 metres ive done planty of reading but im stuck on this, im using a stop bead on one side and an angle bead on the other theres a window in the middle, some of the old render is pround so the stop bead sits 2 far back,,,, can i build it out a bit with some render like the angle beads?
can't you just knock off some of the old render to get it level?

what's with the stop bead, where are you sticking that?

don't forget your drip bead and make sure it's above the DPC
what ever u do don`t use galvanized beads on outside work as they will rust out in no time
you will pay extra for stainless-steel beads but its worth it in the long run as they won`t rust and will last for ever
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