im using this stuff at the moment in amsterdam because they dont sell bg anywhere in holland. infact most people just laugh when you talk about 2 coat finish plaster, they think your crazy. its possible to get a quality finish out of this mp75 but you have to know how. ive been having big problems with airbubbles. its f++king annoying!! ive been told that im puting-on then trowelling too fast after putting on, and in the dutch tradition i should be "taking it easy" "maybe take a coffee and wait a bit" haha. so, i have, i put on, level flat, and leave it, then keep an eye on it. if its going dry i retrowel it and bring it back too life. then finally after 3 hours i sponge it leave it another half hour and go in for the final trowell. STILL GETTING AIR BUBBLES. after waiting for ages the bubbles disapear after another sponge. but then getting a finish is hard work. obviously im doing something wrong, probably my timings. any words of wisdom?? oh yeah, im skimming old painted plaster treated with a knauf primer with bits of sand in. left it for a few days so should be no problem.
if i underdstood how to use this stuff id probably use it back in the uk. you can put a whole room on (wet corners and all) then trowell it up right??