Bathroom wall coated with cement/sand/adhesive and waterproof mix - ? tile over

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I am in the process of refurbishing my bathroom. I knocked off all the old ceramic tiles. The condition of the rendering/plastering was really bad. I called a plasterer, who has applied a single 1cm coating of cement/sand/adhesive and waterproof mix. I need to know
- Whether a single coat is enough to hold the new bathroom tiles?
- Will it be dampproof and well insulated?
- How long will I need to wait for the walls to dry before I tile it?
- Do I need to plaster the walls before I tile it?
Thank you.
aslong as its well adhered its what you should be using, no you dont need to skim it before you tile
How many days should I let it dry? The old rendering, I assume done in 1930 was atleast 1" thick. That's why, I was bit worried whether the weight of large tiles should stay attached to a thin coating of the cement/sand mixture.
10mm not too thin the old render was prob built up in a couple of coats because the bricks were out, i'd leave it a week at least and try and leave the windows open to let the moisture escape
if you do some basic research on insulation you will find that cement render has no insulative qualities at all
goody said:
if you do some basic research on insulation you will find that cement render has no insulative qualities at all
cement render has minimal isulation properties as it is a barrier oner brick or blockwork however SEGRELIME has 40 times more insulation than cement render... I am pricing a job in Jordan using it to keep the building cool... but not as cool as me ;)
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