barrell ceiling

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hi,fellas,i have a job overboarding a lath n plaster ceiling & it's barrelled. i've never done 1 before. how do you create the curve? any tips or advice will be well appreciated!!!!!!!!!
Lean the boards against a wall at a 45 degree angle for about a week and they will bend themselves.

Wont end up the exact shape but it helps.

We had to do a curved wall once and did this.

The other way is score the back of the board every 3 to 4 inches but you need ten billion screws.
ballsdeep said:
hi,fellas,i have a job overboarding a lath n plaster ceiling & it's barrelled. i've never done 1 before. how do you create the curve? any tips or advice will be well appreciated!!!!!!!!!

Board the flat area of the ceiling, then board the falt area of the angle then fix a piece of board about 2-3 inches inbetween, like this:

Just hold an offcut of board on the flat area of the ceiling then push it towards the curve once it lifts & a gap appears behind back of board move it back slightly so it's flat again then mark the ceiling, fix boards from this line work backwards from curve make sure everything is in line & square.
Then do the same on the angle find the flat bit & board it then fill any bits left with board.
You can also cut the back of the board just to lip onto the curve but it doesn't always work out square.
If you want you can float it out a bit before you skim but if your boarding is done properly i just skim it ;)

Here's a pic of one i did last week on a fire damaged 5hithole ;D
I didn't start a full board from the line like i explained above, but you'll see what i mean ;)
barrell ceiling
multi board. then tape it and give a tight coat of bonding using a large spat to smoooth of . gives you a real nice curv. plus it will skim nicer with having suction on the bonding
kebab king said:
Thats a ruff bit of boarding Nisus.

Looks alright from my house ;D

You can't see it now anyway, it's covered with ruff skim ::)

It ain't buckingham palace you know... just cause you & flat boy get all the best jobs ;D

It was an insurance job & mr Singh couldn't remember how the fire started in the bedroom :-\
Funny that ;D ;D ;D ;D
use 9.5mm board wet the boars with splash brush wet both sides then start screwing it up keep weting it let is pick up the water first
Only joking Nisus, it would look alot ruffer if i did it.Thats why Flat Boys there to make it look good.Also the greedy c**t eats my sarnies and drinks my coke.Cum to think of it he farts alot to.
kebab king said:
Only joking Nisus, it would look alot ruffer if i did it.Thats why Flat Boys there to make it look good.Also the greedy c**t eats my sarnies and drinks my coke.Cum to think of it he farts alot to.

Nah he told me your the one who farts a lot!
Must be all the rabbit food ;D
thats not a barrel ceiling... its just got a slight curve... i will show you a double barrelled vauted ceiling... they are quite easy when you know how.
Render Systems said:
thats not a barrel ceiling... its just got a slight curve... i will show you a double barrelled vauted ceiling... they are quite easy when you know how.

I know that's not a barrel ceiling render ;)
I just thought that's what he meant,
seen as your more likely to come across these ceilings when overboarding lath & plaster in older houses.

You know what it's like on here some people call lath & plaster wattle & daub & some people call a slight curve a barrel ceiling. ;D ;D

Maybe my mistake then, let's ask him what he meant, Ballsdeep?? ;D
hi fellas. i think i got carried away when i said barrelled ceiling. it's a curved lath & plaster ceiling. cheers for the responses fellas. lots of top advice.
ballsdeep said:
hi fellas. i think i got carried away when i said barrelled ceiling. it's a curved lath & plaster ceiling. cheers for the responses fellas. lots of top advice.
Well untill Nisus got
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