Bad feelin

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Ever turned down work because of a bad felling. Not like your not gonna get paid more like its more hassle than its worth ?
Even worse,wen you had that feeling and you took the work then it bit you in the arse!! I've had one o them and it still haunts me!! >:(
I went against a bad feeling once, got bumped
for £900. A few other lads got done for the same.
If I get a bad feeling now I walk. :'(
Yeah I have to agree on the bad feeling thing . If get asked to remove my clean footwear before I enter the house its usually a none starter for me. :-\
go off facts not bad feelings mate, no one can see into the future, way up the pros and cons of a job. just imagine if every business worked like this? pubs, supermarkets etc... you dont have to like someone to take there money. i never turn work down ind if i dont trust them the i get them to buy mats and get them to pay me after i finish each room. and if you are that worried get them to sign a contract and take them to court if they dont pay. simples ;)
Im getting a bad feeling about a job we just started went in seemed all fine we knew the bloke who was running it and have had no probs with him always got paid now some other bloke is running the job and we got a call from the 1st bloke saying be careful with your money as he havent been paid since october :o could of told us before we started.
Bod said:
Im getting a bad feeling about a job we just started went in seemed all fine we knew the bloke who was running it and have had no probs with him always got paid now some other bloke is running the job and we got a call from the 1st bloke saying be careful with your money as he havent been paid since october :o could of told us before we started.

ask for a part payment mate, if they say no ask why and if you aint happy with the answer then walk, but dont just go off a gut feeling, you might just have indigestion ;D
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