bad day!

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New Member
every thing was going to plan until we got to the hallways stage!

i planed to dab the wall but found that it was quite think at one end but then very very thin at the other so it needed to be hardwall. i dont use hardwall much only the patch work and this was a deep big patch (i took more plaster off than in pic)

any how knocked up 2 bags of hardwall layed it all on then realized i only had my large straight edge with me!

the wall was not straight from one end to the other as when heldfrom the first bit of wall to the last bit still on there was a huge gap showing on the old wall?

so i struggled to get a flat finish and also i think i may have layed it all on to thick and maybe to wet as it was sagging over the edges quit alto and wouldn't stay back!

feels like a basic skill but i think I'm ready to quit on the old backing coats as every time it turns into a night mere! i had to leave it all ruff and uneven as it was now 6pm, luckily i have another spread coming in to try and sort it out for me but that's money outa my pocket and time wasted.. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

here is a pic of the job it was both sides by the end and alot more plaster was taken off the walls before this was taken.

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you could and also thicken it up too, when you mix it you dont want it as wet as skim ;) should me more like the consistency of s&c mate
should of wet the brickwork dubbed out the heavy bits then another coat and ruled of the existing
the problem was the existing dint match id of had 2 re do the whole wall for a straight edge to work
dont give up just because you got it wrong a couple of times. could you skim a wall properly the first time you tried? i doubt it. i've not done a great deal of solid plastering. a few walls. everyone we work for prefers dot and dab. i thought it would be quite hard and while its not exactly a piece of pi55 to start with, it just takes practice like anything. it helps if youve got someone with you whos done miles of the stuff
whats that running thru the middle in the pic and if you ruled off existing you are only putting back whats there wheres the problem dot and dab would only have done the same thing
grand wizard said:
whats that running thru the middle in the pic and if you ruled off existing you are only putting back whats there wheres the problem dot and dab would only have done the same thing

floor boards £10 on it
50 the stairs where turned round and that used to be a floor and kirt is right they look like floor joists and the plaster on the top half is a lot thinner so straighten it up with bonding tomorrow :)
Thanks steve I felt like silting my throat with my trowel and leaving a note saying sorry I don't no wot I'm doing! Problem I had wizard is I only had a large straight edge so when held on the wall it showed that even the old wall was out a lot,maybe a thicker mix and a shorted edge would have helped.
Its mad this morning we were flying,did loads of work top of the game!come 4pm felt like a rite t**t! Ups and downs some days go soo well others I could die on the spot due to stress!
if you ever have this situation again with only having a large straight edge. whats stopping you knocking off more of the thick plaster and giving yourself more room to blend it in? say for example the thick bit is an inch and the thin is half inch, it will be less obvious over 6 feet than 3 feet, and your straight edge will still do it. if that makes sense.
oasis said:
Its mad this morning we were flying,did loads of work top of the game!come 4pm felt like a rite (french word)! Ups and downs some days go soo well others I could die on the spot due to stress!

well your on the road to recovery youve admitted your stressed take it easy and stop setting yourself imposible tasks ie trying to do too much on your own. Sometimes you look at a job and dont notice problems so it takes longer, you just need to take it on the chin instead of trying to do it in the same time coz it will stress you out. xx
i know i know i bring it on me self.. to day i treyd to

set up and protect all carpets
hack plaster from hallways and repair
overboard bedroom lath ceiling
hack patchs in bedroom and repair
stud up fireplace and patch in
wba/bond it all walls ready for tomoro
scrim all cacks
bead up
remove timber above door and replace with pboard
clean the place up
set up kit ready for me and another spread for next day..

is this 2 much lol

i did it all bar the halway patching up

ill have to show the finial pics see how we got on in the end.

thanks for the helpfull coments time for a bath i think

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bad day!
another tip. dont waste time pinging a chalk like on the board. just ping the ceiling like you have done. put a screw in each end of a row and it should be easy enough to fill in by eye.
yeah it looks great once its skimmed and painted ;D youll be suprised how much time it saves not doing it.
u get them days mate.
Sometimes they last into weeks,which is what im having with this klitchen im fitting,wrong bits have to wait for deliverys etc etc,1 week job takes 3 weeks.
As long as the finnished result is ok,alls good.
x and a shorted edge would have helped.
i hava £15 straight edge from wickes, cut into handy lengths, mainly for conny dwarf walls, but there very handy
I did that too 8) bought a couple & chopped em up into different sizes.
Was a tenner each when i got em from wickes ;)
Oasis no disrespect mucka but this kind of scenario is such a basic skill and given that you're getting plenty of punters in I really think you should sign yourself up for a basic skills City & Guilds course - do nightschool or whatever it takes to go and get proper training in this area. As I recall there was a lot of time spent on backing coat work during basic skills training. Getting a kick in the right direction from the forum is one thing but plumbing in a walll with various flavour plasters is something that you'll know inside out if you do a proper C&G course. At least that was my experience of getting NVQ qualified.

You've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. You'll look back and laugh at questions like these.

Best wishes
We all have bad days mate and learn from them, next time you come across similar problems or senarios you will have answers and know how, it's called experience, comes with hard knocks matey! 8)
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