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Back on site starting tomorrow for a week. First time I have done any site work for about 2 years. Not looking forward to it to be honest. Has there been any more changes to the whole health and safety s**t? Like for example is it still ok to piss in cupboards? ;D
Did you need a CSCS card? some wont let you have radios, eat in the building, no smoking, no piss bucket, your power tools may need a pat test sticker on them, no stilts, no ladders, obvious PPE.
no drinking water ha ha i love that one mobile phones on some too, ive just had to spend 100 quid 20 quid on fuel and a 80 mile round trip to collect 2 slightly larger hop ups so i can work monday, i use the smaller ones all the time but not on this site nooooooooooooooooooooo this is an extra special cnuntish site ;D
flynnyman said:
Did you need a CSCS card? some wont let you have radios, eat in the building, no smoking, no (french word) bucket, your power tools may need a pat test sticker on them, no stilts, no ladders, obvious PPE.

Yes mate needeed a cscs card, no radios allowed, no eating, no smoking not even on my crack pipe, power tools are pat tested but that was not checked, no stilts and have to wear gloves at all times, oh and have to go through a gate that reads my fingerprints before I go in. Almost forgot how much i hate site work now all the fun has gone out of it
is there a mess room you have to use then? f**k wearing gloves when your skimming, it feels wierd. i only use gloves for anonomous anal fingering
Mmm anal fingering!! Yes mate there is a canteen but there is also a kfc subway and mcdonalds in walking distance so thats where I will be heading. Only gonna be on there till thursday I hope as have an extension that should be ready so will be running of site to there
Hi, I'll have a footlong, hearty italian with meatball marinara, toasted, with sweet onion sauce, no salad or salt and pepper, thanks.
Im a steak and cheese man on italian herbs and cheese with southwest sauce. I am partial to a meatball here and there though
job we did in mancester had to do 2 hour induction... they told us how nice the flats would be living next to wan%ers who are on soaps... etc etc... big black man on security no vehicle pass no entry... walk 1/3 mile to get pass... throw the black man the pass... (not being funny but he was black as coal... with TUDE) and im not racist at all if the guy was red black blue green or white he would still be a c^^t
anyway to get to my point... the main contractor has to by LAW provide hard hats.. hi vis... wet weather gear.. safety glasses steel toe capped boots and prescription glasses (coming soon) if they employ you on PAYE... if like me and i subby to them it is up to me to provide myself with these items... and ensure that my guys have thiers also...
most of these sites that insist on all these provisions are bieng run/operated by design build companies or management agents that cant even be bothered to quantify drawings before they put them out to tender and just cover thie ar$es
how the f%%k can you plaster ceilings with a bloody hard hat on.... or skim a wall 2.8 high withougt a scaffold???

after having my rant though... the bbc garden we did a few weeks ago was ok after the induction... the neumerous toilets were imaculate they had every type of hand cream, the canteen offered 30 different meals, there was a nurse on site, and a union rep if you needed to complain about your employer/s
I had some nob head folk truck driver ask me how old my hard hat was
i told him id had it 2 years
he got me a new one as apparently the plastic weakens with the sunlight and they need to be replaced every year.

wot a load of b*ll***s
robholliday85 said:
I had some nob head folk truck driver ask me how old my hard hat was
i told him id had it 2 years
he got me a new one as apparently the plastic weakens with the sunlight and they need to be replaced every year.

wot a load of b*ll***s

I would even had acknowleged his question!
robholliday85 said:
I had some nob head folk truck driver ask me how old my hard hat was
i told him id had it 2 years
he got me a new one as apparently the plastic weakens with the sunlight and they need to be replaced every year.

wot a load of b*ll***s

All hardhats have the date they were made printed on the inside :)
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