Back saver

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Private Member
When mixing plaster my back some times aches just from bending a bit. So today i put the plaster bucket ontop of my upturned beer crate and I could mix standing completely upright with my back straight. It ment I didnt have to bend to reach the bottom of the bucket with my whisk. ;)
then when your finished mixing, leave the bucket there, and take it straight out the bucket onto your trowel! no need for a hawk, spot or trow hawk!
Bruce Willis said:
When mixing plaster my back some times aches just from bending a bit. So today i put the plaster bucket ontop of my upturned beer crate and I could mix standing completely upright with my back straight. It ment I didnt have to bend to reach the bottom of the bucket with my whisk. ;)

didnt you have to pick up the plaster?
try standing with your legs just wider than shoulder width apart.. just dont let the lab kick you in the jewels.. ;D

but yeh, stick your bucket on a second hop up... specially if you suffer form the odd bout of back pain...

i get exactly the same mate, down the gym they got this machine that strengthens your lower back muscles without putting stain on your spine... just discovered it... gonna have to get a f'ckin membership now for that machine and the pool...

ive discovered a bit more about sciatica type pain if anyones interested...
theres more too it than you might think... mine turns out to be weak back muscles and 'piriformis syndrome', a particular stretching excersise helps the sharp shooting 'arse/leg' pain and the back strengthening workout helps with the dull lower back ache..
sciata isnt a diagnosis as such, its a set of symptoms under one heading...
I find beer numbs the pain ;D
had that syatica before, I was like where did that come from,
it's a rite pain in the arse/leg ;D
i thought i had syatica, went to the chiropractor and it turned out i had a twisted spine. 3 months and about £400 later i'm better. but still gotta go back every 6 months just to keep an eye on it, and all of this at the age of 23!
flynnyman said:
Bruce Willis said:
When mixing plaster my back some times aches just from bending a bit. So today i put the plaster bucket ontop of my upturned beer crate and I could mix standing completely upright with my back straight. It ment I didnt have to bend to reach the bottom of the bucket with my whisk. ;)

didnt you have to pick up the plaster?
Obviously, but the less times you bend in a day the better. Bet you like bending over quite alot eh Fanny? ;D
Bruce Willis said:
When mixing plaster my back some times aches just from bending a bit. So today i put the plaster bucket ontop of my upturned beer crate and I could mix standing completely upright with my back straight. It ment I didnt have to bend to reach the bottom of the bucket with my whisk. ;)

simplybesty said:
Bruce Willis said:
When mixing plaster my back some times aches just from bending a bit. So today i put the plaster bucket ontop of my upturned beer crate and I could mix standing completely upright with my back straight. It ment I didnt have to bend to reach the bottom of the bucket with my whisk. ;)

I can't believe out of three million sperm your the one that made it ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
cant believe not one person has yet said 'get someone else to mix up'...
ask rich brown... he's got someone getting the bags out the van, another to plug the extension in, another mixing up, yet another taking the muck from the bucket and dropping it on his hawk...
must be like willy wonka and the chocolate factory on his jobs ;D
90% of people suffer from week core muscle, the ones around lower gut and back, they are key in everything you do thats where most of our aches and pains start from.
kebab king said:
90% of people suffer from week core muscle, the ones around lower gut and back, they are key in everything you do thats where most of our aches and pains start from.

my lower gut muscle is huge man !
back pain buy powerbalance,,,,,,,,,buy one of these silly wrist bands...has a hologram in it that lets off a frquency of 7.8 hertz ..( thats the frequency of your body) this realigns your body frequency and help all your cells in your body work to their optimum.........when i went to morrocco last year on a surf holiday alot of the surfers had em on...they make pendents wrist bands etc.......i thought it was aload of (french word) but bought one anyway....i havnt had a back pain or twitch since....i feel it improves my balance on stilts and when im surfing, and helps my strength and agility and certainly your core strength. I had some people say it dont work for them and others say i'll never take it off again....all depends on your body makeup and whether your body is already working off a true 7.8 hertz..if its not it makes a really does!
This aint a wind up
check this out
its real......alot of pro surfers use them, now spreading to golfers and general athletes....and lets be honest our trade is fairly athletic ........
Hi phippsy. had really bad back probs years ago and went to a chiropractor,
he did the same 'tricks' on me but used 2mm/5mm heel uplifters in my
shoes/under my bare feet. The results were amazing, similar to ur u tube video,
did i think it worked?, at the time. yes, now i prefer faith healers. Its in the
mind but if it works 4u, go for it
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