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S a plastering

Private Member
got a ceiling to do in new year its artex arhhhh now i normally reboard over them as to stop any confusion but on this ocasion the customer wants it reskimed cos of the fancy coving thats up will it be ok with wba on then skimmed dont want to use pva as it could re-emulsify used wba tons of times on diff backgrounds but like i say normally board over artex cheers
oasis said:
i always add 25% PVA and about 15% water to a tub of bond it!
exactly thats what i thought you shouldnt change it its allready designed to do the job as it is also you should not water it down too much it can weaken it
WBA will be fine. Depending on how thick the artex is tells me if i 2 or 3 coat it. 3 coats cuts out any chances of the artex showing through. If you dont normally skim atrex 3 coats is the way i would go! Some spreads put a tight coat of bonding on then 2 coat it, but to me that takes to long. Its up to you fella.
Big Mart said:
WBA will be fine. Depending on how thick the artex is tells me if i 2 or 3 coat it. 3 coats cuts out any chances of the artex showing through. If you dont normally skim atrex 3 coats is the way i would go! Some spreads put a tight coat of bonding on then 2 coat it, but to me that takes to long. Its up to you fella.i know what your saying mart but would 3coats over thick artex be prone to cracking finish becomes very brittle the thicker it goes its go no body to it might go the bonding route to take up some of the pattern its broken leather cheers anyway
i always find if i use PVA in the bond it, it drys quicker. i use bond it like a strong pva ie i prep up one coat the night before and then can just skim away the next day, rather than a few coats of PVA, i dont ever use it neat unless its on gloss paint or silk
here is a link Link Removed £26 i think i said. is it as good? not a bad price i pay £37 for bond it
Sorry lads but i've always pva'd artex then skimmed as normal. If its not thick enough then given a third coat.
Soz but is this wrong? I've never had any problems. :o
i always float ceiling with bonding to get over artex then when bonding goes firm i skim over with two coats of multi finish, always a nice finish and no need for any pva or sbr, the bonding kills the suction, i have never had any problems doing it this way. :)
I've used bond it over artex quite a few times before but to be honest I prefer pva as I've always used it & it gets the job done quicker time=£
None of this go the round day before crap for me ;)

If artex is asbestos free just scrape off high spots, dust off with sweeping brush, pva twice if needed then thick 1st coat flatten once firm then 2nd coat.
Looks like skimmed boards when done.

So if your 3 coat skimming over artex surely your 1st coat can't be thick enough, so just put a thick 1st coat on after the ceiling has been scraped! Do it this way & you don't need to use bonding either!
I've done it this way for years over stipple, swirl, broken leather etc etc...
Also if the pattern is showing through the finished job you put the 2nd coat on before the 1st coat had firmed up!
madmonk said:
sorry kirk but i would still use some sort of bonding agent mate could end up on someones napper
sorry mate i got mixed up with sbr and wba haha
wot is wba?
an i don know mate about using a bonding agent, all it realy dose is stops the suction. put it like this, do yo pva a wall before you float it? no. i have done this for years and never had a problem. might not be text book but all am sayin is it works for me ;D
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