Artex Tools

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Hey fellas,

I've got a small artex blend into do next week, the artex pattern is circular with a lil bit of nobbles in the centre, is there a tool for this or is it a brush or some discription,and is the artex rolled on or troweled on?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Sounds like swirl pattern best done with an Artex stipple pad they come in two sizes so make sure you get the right one. They're not cheap so try to borrow one, actually they do make a cheaper one but they're rubbish so don't get one.
ive had to do the swirly one with skimming mate i used a sponge still in the wrapper ............worked ok ish
paint artex on, use stipple brush, twist and pull away in one movement. or even better, talk the customer into getting it skimmed.
Cheers for the tips lads, got a nice big brush to do the trick, i'll let you know how it goes, i tried the nice smooth ceiling option, but the lady likes artex yuk
matching artex can be a right bugger, you have the get the consistancy the same as exsisting so its worth knocking it up wet, testing it on a piece of board and adding to it till you get exactly the same look.
Sorted it fellas, there we're two differnt mixe's on the ceiling from the previous homeowners, so i did a gradual blend in to match the 2, job done.
Thanks for the tips.
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