Artex skills

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New Member
Hi guys

I have a patch repair job where I have the match the existing style.
I don't have a picture unfortunately, so was hoping one of you guys might hazard a guess as to what tools to use to create the following...
It looks to be a brushed/wavey style in quite wide circles. The bands in the circle get progressively thicker towards each perimeter, and I don't think a simple brush would create the same effect.

Can anyone help???

Thanks again
It might be if u use an artex brush and rub it along the ceiling as if you were rubbing up render in a figure of eight,but its hard to say without pics.
Is there such a thing as an artex brush? If so where can I get one from?
Have only ever patched in swirl artex with a soft wide paint brush.
Any tips on technique?
By the way the owner was happy for me to just do a smooth patch, but I wanna try match it in. He's happy for me to have a go.
I think you might get one from the big sheds[b@q],to acheive the pattern will have to be a bit of trail and error to see which looks best.
i know the customer said he only wants a repair but...

it will be impossible to match without seeing the outline as it doesn't patch in well ---

pattern could have been done with artex brush or comb

Artex skills

Artex skills

hope pics help you identify tools

You can patch a pattern and have it invisible, you need to stress this to the customer before hand.

You need the exact same tool and the exact same consistency of mix and even then you are working against a hard edge of the existing.
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