area coverage..

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Chris W

Well-Known Member
Nice! Shall we invent a secret handshake boys? ;D

seriously though, it would be nice to see where everyones based and who's close by to borrow skilled labour on the big jobs and help each other out a bit..

I'm in Peterborough... anyone else?

Anybody notice its the women that show the bigger interest in flexi effects?... I'm starting to think I should get the missus selling the stuff...
Alright Chris, Im going down for the course in two weeks and im based in Corby mate, not far from ya. Good to know your near for any bigger jobs that come up.
nice one mate.. ive got peterborugh town centre booked for a display on the 6th june... just gonna set up some samples and give out brouchures to anyone interested... join me if you like..
word of advise... think about what your gonna be selling and knock up something to use as a sample.... good idea might be split your board into 4 and print your samples.. you can dry em out a bit more following morning if theyre not quite ready to colour..
Chris everybody takes the samples, I've tried something different as well. Instead of cutting out and apply a base coat, I've applied a base coat to stone effect and then cut out creating a grey joint, like quick brick. Looks nice as well.
Stone Effect said:
Chris everybody takes the samples, I've tried something different as well. Instead of cutting out and apply a base coat, I've applied a base coat to stone effect and then cut out creating a grey joint, like quick brick. Looks nice as well.
I ve been thinkin about this over and over in me head especially with the cobblestone effect as you want it to look as if the cobbles are set in mortar. Wot do you think Ray, lay and print first day, base coat and secondary coat first thing second day and when done scratch out the joints to leave a grey or white mortar joint and seal
If you make a jointing tool as I said in the scribing render thread, making your scribing end flatter and wider it's much easier to rake out a flat joint.
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