applying tyrolean

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New Member
hey up lads ...can someone just refresh my memory about applying tyrolean ... i know i need to make passes at 45 degree angles , left to right , right to left and then straight on .. do i cover the area with one pass left to right let it go off then go over right to left letting each pass go off before making another or do i complete all passes let the this area go off and then repeat the whole process again thus building up the honeycomb ? ... also what is the lever on a ratchet at the side of the tyrol gun [ i dont mean the handle ] ? ..... many thanks
Hi there as far as I know the way that you described laying on the tyrolean finish left right then across the middle is the correct way of doing it. When I do it I don`t let it set of in between I just build up the layers the tyrolean gun I bought one screw fix for 24.99 is crap no mater what setting the first few turns it just slops out of the front of the gun not a lot of control over it. If you have green plastic gun from screw fix which costs about 95 pounds the lever on the side controls the spring tension if you adjust one way or the other up or down it it gets easer or harder to turn the handle on the gun which then affects the size of the finish on the wall. You have also have to be careful how far from the wall you stand and make the mix a wet one if I were you I`d find an old piece of wall to try it out on first the plastic green gun is the best one unless someone else knows of a better one hope this helps DUCKY :)
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