anyone used K Rend?

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Allright fellas? Any of u used k-rend products? looks good to me, the customer would like it to if it's not to expensive cause of the variety of colours. Goldtrowel are about to start a couse in it as well.

facto non verba
bags are about 9 quid mate and do just under a metre's two coat work unless you spray it on and you need to allow to scratch it back aswell, on site it's 30 + per metre supply ...........have you done s/c floating ? if you know how to bead get a wall flat with a darby and the other gubbons taht come with any render i wouldn't bother with the course .....look for indifferent background suction and you need to scrape panels back the same firmness as both will cause it too discolour .......out of interest mate what will they actually teach you on the course?
As above covers it all really, you say if its not dear it is im afraid, if your punter is not really prepared to spend the money you could be better off with mortar renders,
i would rather go with the weber monocouche mate, their similar products but the monocouche gives a better finish in my opinion if done properly.
did you have problems with krend mate or is it more of a finish thing?
ive neva used k rend only monocouche, alot of the k rend thats been done in my area just looks sh*t, i dont know if thats how its meant 2 look but alot of it looks like its been rubbed up 2 wet and you can still see the scrape marks in it. What i like 2 do with monocouche is leave it go that little bit harder and use the short tooth scraper on it, just a personal thing i like 2 do.
krends alright mate weve had probs with hairline cracks though all by the book and yeh i know what you mean it sounds as if they got on it too early
Krend is better than mono pral in my opinion, what people tend to forget is that Krend needs a butter coat then beads butter coat scracth then top coat that's why you get the cracking.  Am booked on the one at Goldtrowel as the Irish are taking off with krend over in Perth on all new buildings, , then back to OZ, for 6 months.  Every body rants and raves about Monocouche, but we all have a opinion having used both you get to appreciate the pitfalls. One thing I miss over their is Curry and a good nite out. Visiting family, course then back their till March.
sorry griff trying to get my head around it mate but do you mean 1coat or hp12? then beads, then you scratch the next coat and top it?
There is two textures with scrape render one is an open honeycomb the other is a fine texture
Krend WP silicon is an open texture where as Krend FT is a fine texture finish depends what you want to do.
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