anyone know of a mix thats good for heat?

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New Member
i need to render a fire chamber for a log burner stove. been told it needs expermet in it for reinforcing and a lime mix. been a long time since ive rendered and could do with some tips. thanks.
search the forum, seriously, for a lot of discussion on the subject... upshot is, the only viable safe bet is 'vitcas' (google it) plaster... failing that, eml will expand (and consequently crack the plaster), but a limey mix will help :)
i need to render a fire chamber for a log burner stove. been told it needs expermet in it for reinforcing and a lime mix. been a long time since ive rendered and could do with some tips. thanks.

I just used dri-coat and multi round mine, and a bit off wallcrete over some board on gypframe, looks mint and not a murmer
Before you install the expament, cover the area with a few layers of tin foil. This will help deflect the heat away from your render
All what has been said above is good just leave the expamet out it will expand at a different rate than the render and crack it, well thats what the experts say anyway.
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