anyone fancy being in a magazine

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New Member
hey guys,

some people i know are starting a magzine similar to the american publication fine homebuilding (google it) as there is nothing similar in the uk. they are currently reading the first issue for publication and they are startting articles for the next couple of issues. features in the magzine will be tool and product reviews things along that nature then there wil be masterclass's showing the general public how things are done. for example how a mf ceiling would be installed in a old house then how it would be boarded and skimmed, or taped. they are looking for some people to interview over the coming months and feature their work in the magazine anything unusal you are doing is even more in demand for example some running some mouldings in situ or doing some venetion plastering. if anyone is interested in being in the magazine reply here or drop us a pm
its aimed at everyone tradesmen learning about new products, homeowners that want to have a bash themselves or homeowners that use the magazine as a refference to see what standard the work should be done to then when they employ a trademan they know what they should be having done, kirk im just collecting details for my mates who are doing it, send us a pm with your email address and i will forward it to them
kirk johnstone said:
you aint wrong ;D

if it makes me money and i might be able to help it promote the book i am going to start working on ;)

is this book gonna be for charity?

coz thats the only shops its gonna be sold in ;)
kirk johnstone said:
you aint wrong ;D

if it makes me money and i might be able to help it promote the book i am going to start working on ;)

don’t 4get who suggested you write a book, and if you need any examples of what not to do or pictures of bad jobs iv e got loads
ps you could give a small percentage to the plasterers forum
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