anybody off to oz?

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New Member
hello gents ive just completed my aqf3(aussie qualification)and now i have to have a TRA skills assesment.apparently the wording on this form has to be spot on but there are no actual guidelines as to how it should beso its a bit of a catch 22.anybody out there able to help?
id love to go , signed up to collage the other day to do level 3 in plastering, so i could find it easier to get in to there. also by the time the course fnishes id been plastering for 5 years so that may also help.imagine it hot every time you wake up ........ cant wait
cheers for the link gangsta spread, gaz the rules state that unless you have served a formal apprenticeship with 900hrs in the classroom then you've got to do the aqf 3 and have at least 4 years checkable work references, hope this helps.
suppin beer after work in the sun or sittin in front o the woodburner in the dark,wot a dillema, if only me missus would go, been trying to persuade her for 2 years
Most tradespeople I speak to say they are thinking about going to Australia. Don't like Aussies myself. Bunch of workshy arrogant .......
Go if you get the chance. Take their jobs and shag their women.
cheers flynnyman it would be a big help-its real hard giving a detailed description of something you do everyday ....get out of van,fart,shout at labourer,moan about boarding etc
mistersmooth said:
cheers flynnyman it would be a big help-its real hard giving a detailed description of something you do everyday ....get out of van,fart,shout at labourer,moan about boarding etc

ive just filled the form in online you have to describe your job as if your explainin to someone who has never seen a plasterer describe what tools you use, what for,materials.. what i did was list all the tools i use then describe what i used each tool for be careful if you are applying as a solid plasterer stear clear from plasterboard and metal stud thats classd as a fibrous plasterer. I wrote one reference describing my job and the tools i used on a daily basis and have posted and emailed it to everyone ive worked for over the last 12 years for them to put it on letter headed paper and are some examples also check this site out its really useful
so what chance would i have flinny done apprenticeship c+g advanced craft and loads of refs and im 41
Have you admitted to being a spurs fan ? rememember the the aussies know sh*t when they see it
grand wizard said:
so what chance would i have flinny done apprenticeship c+g advanced craft and loads of refs and im 41

well im 37 the cut off point is 45 it depends on a few other things ie has your misses got any used to be able to invest some money and get extra points i lost 5 points when i turned 36 but still qualified do a assesment on line im not sure if you lose more points once you turn 40 but do a check you need 120 points and i think i scored 130 last time i looked. solid plastering is on the demand list so you get 20 points with a job to go to or 15 without ive not got a job to go to but still qualify with the 15 points.
I will be there for 6 months soon cant wait!!!

I will let you all know what its like!!

The weather I shant be having many days off because of the snow thats a sure fact!!

69 days and 4 hours!!!

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