Any ideas over scratch coat

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I'm doing a rendering job at the moment, just a gable. I've scratched it on with s/c and meshed it due to a few cracks in the brickwork, was planning on topping it out as soon as the weather changes but the customer keeps banging on about a house down the road which has been finished in krend or another brand. So they're asking me if I could finish the wall in that instead of s/c. :RpS_mad: What I want to know is...

1. Can I go straight over the s/c scratch coat with a one coat monorex (parex)
2. Is it easy to apply and mix
3. Could it be done by 1 plasterer and 1 labourer in 1 hit or would I have to split the gable into 2/3 sections.
4. Would the cost be astronomical compared to s/c.
5. Should I just use sand and cement and tell them no?

Thanks for the info as I've never used anything but s/c externally.
Assuming that you can make a decent job of doing it in S&C, tell them that it's not good practice to go over S&C with Monorex and that you're not happy to do so/guarantee it. I suggest this so you don't end up fecking up the mono and getting a bad rep. After all you took the job on to use S&C which you're comfortable with and now they're trying to change things. Oh and yes the mats will be a lot more expensive.
Cheers Andy, part of me wants to say no I'll stick to s/c but I'd love to try and use the mono.
Maybe I should learn how to use it first before I jump on a big gable.
You've had good advise ther, I had an experienced mono lad with me on my first couple of mono jobs, and I'd of been in big trouble if he wasn't there, I'd finish in S/C and maybe take a smaller mono job for first time, but do ur research first, good luck ;-)

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