any 1 need a hand

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New Member
any1 in co.durham newcastle area need a hand cos am on ze bones of me arse at the min cant find work anywere and wor lass burned me foookin eardrums out with her persistant whining
remind me never to shack up with a geordie bird  ;D
managed to bag meself an essex bird, all they want is bloody s*x....quite relaxin goin to work 8-)
bristol birds are great huge titties, i must of got a buy one get one free my missus has got a huge arse aswell .......... please god don't let her read this :-*
Think scouse birds must originate from Essex!
I'm knackered, and sore! She came in from nights at 7am this morning and abused me.
I feel violated!!!!
Ain't life hell ;D
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