another stupid question

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When finished spraying do you just turn machine of at master switch and use water hose to clean all parts or do you have to run water through aswell
put the cleaning bar and sputnik in and let it run this will clean chamber out wash whisk in bucket and clean pipes with sponge ball do this twice
out in the field guys do those probes on the mtecs give you problems or do they behave........and is the m300 the same as the duo-mix in that it separates mixing and pumping?
the probes need to be clean if they got dry material all over them then they wont work, no its not the same mate it has a single mixing zone , but what it does is mix the traditional way , it puts all the water in then adds the powder (whilst continuously mixing) then sends it through the rotor and stator , it basically mixes a bucket at a time
so I suppose it's the highest evolution of electric machine? was talking to a guy from Sto before christmas and he said that big corners had been cut with the M300's design in that the water pump was on continuously or something like that.....overheating.....was asking about another machine at the time and didnt get what he was on about really but he used to work with them and now think they're compromised too far
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