another price cut

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third price cut we have had in less than 12 mnths wus on £4 for skimin last year for a compay we sub to . then down to £.50 THen £3 and now the feckers have said the nxt job we go on nxt week is only gns be £2.50 realy fckin bugin me. any 1 else had this from the companies they have subbed to for a while
I hear this is so they get more meters out of you and pay you less, they make you work harder for the money. ****ers.
Yes mate told um shove it at 2.40 but they keep finding me jobs where we can earn 130/150, to be fair they aint having a good time either, trying to keep people going for when it picks up. Problem is they have lads on the cards who couldn't plaster a house in a fit, they got to keep them on. Welcome Pat. :)
Noticed things are getting worse allways a bad sign when you get calls from other spreads looking for work , country's in a right state that's for sure .
yes mate been subbin on/off for a compamy now for 2 years, they pay £2.30 flat no extras for beading/doors taken out/bulkheads & boxings then you have to snag your own flats for free regardless of who has caused the damage.
they have got alot of work coming up and i'd rather earn £400 a week for 6 months than £700 a week for 1 month.
the good times have gone and they wont be back for a long time, if you still earn over £500 a week then your lucky. we have to ride it out, take what you can at the minute because there is always some1 else that will do it and probably for cheaper too!
IMO rates were not good before the recession and coudv done with going up! from 2001 - 2007 they never moved round manchester area anything between 2.50 - 3.00 was normal 4 skim now to go backwards is frightning were back years IMO, imagine any employed industries getting told they were going onto pay from back in 99/2000 there would be national press all over that front page stuff. but what about plasterers? nah no one gives a fr1g about them
i work in the southwest(barnstaple),things are pretty good really.i`m rarely not working.i`ve got lots of contacts so they look after me.i`m getting 3.75, solid measure if i`m subbing.charging £5m2 if takes years to get alot of contacts,so the guys on here who have only been in the game a few years,stick in`ll come good a good job and everything else will sort it self out.
bobby said:
i work in the southwest(barnstaple),things are pretty good really.i`m rarely not working.i`ve got lots of contacts so they look after me.i`m getting 3.75, solid measure if i`m subbing.charging £5m2 if takes years to get alot of contacts,so the guys on here who have only been in the game a few years,stick in`ll come good a good job and everything else will sort it self out.

Seems we have a better deal down this end bobby for some reason.
I have acres of work on and all at very good prices !.

something has to give soon lad's, it has to get better for you
its prob cause youre quick wigan lad and they hate parting with money its the same old .........i'd move on mate let em look for someone else
spunky said:
its prob cause youre quick wigan lad and they hate parting with money its the same old .........i'd move on mate let em look for someone else

You could be right I've known a fair few builders that don't want you to earn more than daywork while on a price.
essexandy said:
spunky said:
its prob cause youre quick wigan lad and they hate parting with money its the same old .........i'd move on mate let em look for someone else

You could be right I've known a fair few builders that don't want you to earn more than daywork while on a price.
a price is rarely a price if you do well theyll try and nock you down charge you for petty things stick you back on daywork or nobble you on the next job
cheers lads . thanx for you input. we seem to have had a breakthrough today. cos the other 6 gangs all with 3 men have refused to work for £2.50. so the contractor has left it @ £3 for now. get this though he wus gna pay us £2.50m2 and the tackers them same. they not even a trade . my 15yr old brother tacks the studs for me on private wrk. And he fckn thick. TW@TS
wiganlad said:
cheers lads . thanx for you input. we seem to have had a breakthrough today. cos the other 6 gangs all with 3 men have refused to work for £2.50. so the contractor has left it @ £3 for now. get this though he wus gna pay us £2.50m2 and the tackers them same. they not even a trade . my 15yr old brother tacks the studs for me on private wrk. And he fckn thick. TW@TS

Tackers are on between £1.10 and £1.60 around our way, I've never been asked for as much as £2.50m2 not even in the good times ???
barryed said:
The same for boarding as skimming thats an (french word)in joke
gna second that 1 mate. we used to get 2 for boarding and 3 for skimming for 1 company but he only employed spreads to do the lot ;. wudnt emply boarders . they just a wast of a wage time and a made up job. at 1 time the spread would board, daborfloat and skim. now contractors get boarders in who only board cos they cnt do feck all else. tossers brought down prices. ha fckn tackers my arse
Thats the way it should be mate as only a spread knows what you can get over. When i have been doing site work some units look like they have been boarded in the dark and half the screws are missing
But wiganlad the same as in plastering there are tackers :( and there are tackers :) this is the reason Communism dont work and every one aint equal.
i know what i would do wiganlad, buy a screwgun and get fixing, at 2.50 you will clean up pal. its 90p M2 at media city
Bod said:
But wiganlad the same as in plastering there are tackers :( and there are tackers :) this is the reason Communism dont work and every one aint equal.
i hear you on that1 and some do a very nice job. but now on sit we loose alot of work cos a tacker has come and thrown all the boards on. as a result we are missing out on a big % of work and now days even more as most things get boarded and dabed not floated. but ido see what you are saying to ;)
plasterjfe said:
i know what i would do wiganlad, buy a screwgun and get fixing, at 2.50 you will clean up pal. its 90p M2 at media city
got guns and told him we wud board all our own work but he wonts to keep his "TACKERS" in work even though i wud board it and skim it b4 his boarders have even thought about it ;D
barryed said:
flynnyman said:
plasterjfe said:
i know what i would do wiganlad, buy a screwgun and get fixing, at 2.50 you will clean up pal. its 90p M2 at media city

who's payin 90p?

90p m2 thats dog log
yeah real dirty dog log. company in londaony called us about 3 mnths ago. he had 10,000m2 of skim and wus lokking for gangs. but wus only paying £1 m. so thats £100 aday thats less than day wrk.
personally on new build i think spreads and tackers/dabbers should be on the same wage, if you think about it by the time you load up all these awkward three storys blue noard every where insulate everywhere then ten other different boards around the house foam superlines on rakes and all that tosh if you think about it it takes as many man hours to board and tack as it does skim, especially with all the solid dabs they want these days and IMO skimming on site on new build is about the same skill level as tacking and dabbing just gets slapped on
craigpalmer18 said:
personally on new build i think spreads and tackers/dabbers should be on the same wage, if you think about it by the time you load up all these awkward three storys blue noard every where insulate everywhere then ten other different boards around the house foam superlines on rakes and all that tosh if you think about it it takes as many man hours to board and tack as it does skim, especially with all the solid dabs they want these days and IMO skimming on site on new build is about the same skill level as tacking and dabbing just gets slapped on
They cant ever be on the same wage because the M2 square rates are worked out on time it takes to do a task per M2 so baiscally plastereres = boarders/skimmers/dry liners are on the same hourly rate say for example £15/hr that is than divided into units of the hour than timsed by the number of units that task took and tacking a board is twice as fast as skimming per M2 so in effect they are on the same wage? its up to the contractor to provide for loading out if that means he gives you more or provides a lab then its still in his costing
thats not entirely true is it ....... the job i am on now is all awkward angles and small cupboards and vaulted ceilings, I could skim it much faster then it can be boarded
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