angle beading help ?

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New Member
Hello guys, new to forum! got a quick question for you pro's.

When beading corners with angle beads, how do you get on if the corner is not a right angle? i have a deep recess on a window with angles more like this - _/ \_ so standard beads will not fit.

I know some of you may say get a pro in but i like to attemt small jobs myself, going to attemt to skim a couple walls thats all. would much appreciate your help on the subject. thanks chris
thanks for the help! say this underscore is the wall face the angle is like this
_____/ \_______
if that makes sense. so do you slightly overlap with the stop bead to give slight lip for both sides? and i assume it goes on wall side? thanks again
any more advice on the stop bead guys.
do you slightly overlap with the stop bead to give slight lip for both sides? and i assume it goes on wall side? thanks a lot
Yes overlap a couple of mm. If it's plaster board then scrim tape the corner first where the boards meet. Put the angle bead on the head first and then put the 3mm stops to that, you may have to put them on the reveals so they meet up with the angle bead as they are slightly shallower.
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