Aluminium I section.

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New Member
Hi all, this is my first post on here. Im Tom, i live in north west between preston and liverpool and have been plastering for ten years. I am wonderin if anyone knows were i can get an aluminium i section from. The ones used on monocouche when ashlar cutting. Cant find them anywere. Iv checked the usual, Refina and screwfix and done a few searches on the net. Any suggestion would be great.
stevo81 said:
Hi all, this is my first post on here. Im Tom, i live in north west between preston and liverpool and have been plastering for ten years. I am wonderin if anyone knows were i can get an aluminium i section from. The ones used on monocouche when ashlar cutting. Cant find them anywere. Iv checked the usual, Refina and screwfix and done a few searches on the net. Any suggestion would be great.

Try lord and downing ;)
tom if you go to keelsupply they normally have em on the shelf along with scratch floats etc there was one in leyland but not sure if it closed, the other is in St helens or there is manchester.
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