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big ali

New Member
whats going on with Alltek, have they gone bump, there uk websites have disappeared , there uk emails get returned cos the address dont exist anymore, and there phone numbers have been turned off. cmon blones i know you use it, whats the score?????
I dont know TBH.
Clive reeves who worked for them has gone to Knauf and they now sell similar products. Also i have started dealing with alsecco and they have a promotional drive on it at the moment. Ring this number 07968 429128 and ask for Nikki. Tell her you are interested in her spray plasters and her clit.
They are setting up now so want approved applicators. I would only use this on bigger overskims at the moment because its too much work on board
cheers ian spoke to nikki, she sounds well sexy, seems to know her stuff about the plasters. why do you say its too much work on board, does it workout ok pricewise, have you been to any demo's for them . i reckon she fancies you, she never stopped talking about you..... blonesy this.....blonesy that..... ibet he's got a big one.......ooooo i love a man with a foreign accent,.... mmmmmm i'd love to get my hands on his pipe.......oooooooooo he could fill my hopper anytime...... that kind of stuff y'know
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