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New Member
What are these agencies charging the client,i'm dan saf ;D the going rate from these ****** is anything from £10-13.50 h/r

What are they making!!!!!
all the jobs ive seen advertised online are between these markers, perhaps the agencies just make a small ammount, but off alot of staff?
youre lookin at 80 quid a day mate...
how many metre do you think you can put on in a day easy? 50?
1 pound sixty pence a metre...
you need to be lookin at 20 quid an hour for a reasonable amount of work..
the thing is they know plasterin, you put it on, then you gotta trowel it up...any less than 20m a set is takin the p'ss on site and they know it...
how much do you THINK theyre chargin...bearin in mind they gotta get the job done, PROMISE to get the job done...and shortly i might just be adverisin myself as an employment agency, roundin up some spreads and doin a 50/50 split with one of us ownin a bank account...
oops...did i say it was that easy..
so what happens if a bunch of spreads get together, call themselves an agency, get paid agency rates and split the wages, i.e. get paid agency rates..
Lol ;)only done a stint with em here and there to fill the gaps in,but i deffo dont bust mi balls for that money >:(

Hey any one want to start a spread agencie ;) :o
more like alot of profit from alot of staff  8-) if i ran an agency thats how i would do it 8-)
course you would...thats how they all do gotta guarantee a workforce and deadlines though...
much easier to guarantee that if the workforce is all in on it...
split the profit, split the penalty clauses...
i think they call that communism though...
still, beat the eastern bloc at their own game eh?
the other way is employ only eastern bloc workers and pay em peanuts..
only problem is we cant all do that...
anyone with a decent business track record (i.e. decent credit rating) or anyone with a good float (maybe 100k = another 100k on credit) can start an employment agency...
or if you can blag your bank manager into fronting the nesassary for 6 months....
you've got to have the contacts the agency have as well. which you wont get over night
yep...this is a definate...still you can start with one contract, one contact, 3 lads..
so what happens if a bunch of spreads get together, call themselves an agency, get paid agency rates and split the wages, i.e. get paid agency rates..

Do know what thats a good idea why not :)
then..all you gotta do is undercut everybody else, deliver the quality...
business model works in theory...
shame this is 'plasterin'...
so what happens if a bunch of spreads get together, call themselves an agency, get paid agency rates and split the wages, i.e. get paid agency rates..

Do know what thats a good idea why not :)
good idea i thought to beat the credit crunch, still needs a float, usin only good spreads will cover the practice though... :-/
how do you split it equally though ::)
just keep everyone in the picture, agree a percentage, equal stakes, equal profit, leave the rest as float...
my experience though...partnerships dont work...not in england...shame really cos the russians are really good at it...
I know that if you set up a company and you apply to the larger building contracors you get put on a list for labour plus if you advertise and do a bit of canvasing, work will just roll in ;D
how do you split it equally though ::)
just keep everyone in the picture, agree a percentage, equal stakes, equal profit, leave the rest as float...
my experience though...partnerships dont work...not in england...shame really cos the russians are really good at it...

The only reason partnerships dont work is beacause its hard to find some one on an equal standing theres the same old thing where you just keep thinking you are doing more than the other person and getting the same money it feels like there taking the piss and no one likes to be a mug :(
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