after final trowel -why some spreads cross trowel it.

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New Member
Hello there good to meet you all.

Basically as the title suggests. Ive worked with a few spreads in the past who like to cross trowel there work at the end of the process. I wondered what the reason was for this, ?? Someone said its to do with closing the plaster??? I thought it was literally just to polish it?

Also when is it best to be done, as some have done it not long after there last trowel and some leave it till the plaster has half set to its darker colour.?

i got straight over it after the last trowel give it a bit of a polish then on to the next set, cant be waiting about wen ur on a price if its daywork or private work its a different matter
yeah i agree, it is domestic work,

some spreads i know quickly cross trowel it whilst its half set to its darker colour whilst doing there next set.

Was wondering which is most benificial,?
ive left a few walls a bit greasy after giving it the third trowel and you can still see the lines ........if it's a wall that will take some sunlight i'd try and religiously cross trowel it
i tried it a while back...but i dont really see the need ..maybe just the way i layon feck knows..i saw no diference if i cross trowel polish to normal direction polish....saw it after paint...absoluly no difference....saying all that.. alot do...i dont tho
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