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New Member
Hi all,

Just looking for some advice really.

I'm currently serving in the RAF but I'm leaving in March next year. I've decided that the profession for me is plastering.
For my resettlement I will be doing an 8 week intensive course to acheive City & Guilds 6217.
So what I am after is some advice on the best route to take once my course is complete.

All advice is welcome. Thanks in advance.

Dave :)
Hi all,

Just looking for some advice really.

I'm currently serving in the RAF but I'm leaving in March next year. I've decided that the profession for me is plastering.
For my resettlement I will be doing an 8 week intensive course to acheive City & Guilds 6217.
So what I am after is some advice on the best route to take once my course is complete.

All advice is welcome. Thanks in advance.lthough they do tie

Dave :)

Hello mate :)

After an 8 week course, you should have learned the basics of how to get the muck off your hawk and onto the walls.
The thing that gets to me with plastering courses, is that they waste time showing you how to render outside walls :-/ Which is not really plastering. Although they do come together, but some people like myself dont take on outside jobs, coz they are a pain in the ass by being weather permiting.

You should have learned after your course, you to apply plaster in two coats and finish. Plus under coats like 'Bonding'.
After that, you want to get yourself some shifts with a plasterer. Dont expect to get payed more than 40 quid a shift when you do. But if its what you want to do, then you can get up to 100 quid to 200 quid a shift! Depending on where you are. When you start laying it on like they do.
Where are you?

I learned from a local guy to me. He learned from someone else, working down south (London) for years. I dont have any papers, but im what they call a 'journeyman' i think.
You dont NEED papers. Its not required by law.
Up in Glasgow, we dont make the same money as those down south, but i think that reflects on the cost of living etc....

Your best bet, in my opinion, is to get with a plasterer and stay with them for a couple of years. then either help him in his business, or start on your own. ditch the course. Once you are getting it on and finishing up at the same speed as them, with the same quality, and overcoming any problems without asking, Your there!
I know a young guy who is doing a 4 year course block release in collage, and some of the stuff he is being taught is pretty much horrendous! (sp?)
(Washing up liquid through bonding to harden it up? Come on!)

Thats my two pence worth anyhoo :)
All the best in whatever you do.
Thanks for that mate,

As I work shifts at the moment 2 weeks on / 2 weeks off I was considering asking a local plasterer (Lancashire) if they could offer me some unpaid work experience on my 2 weeks off. In exchange for pay asking for training instead.

How "in demand" are plasterers these days? Would it be easy enough to find work?

Cheers :)
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