Advice On Site Work

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Hello Everybody
After some tips on working on site, have only worked domestic since starting 3 years ago and never used a labourer, been offered possible site work to start soon, always planned on doing site work as believe it will make me more rounded as a plasterer, whats the normal routine on site, really looking forward to it, any help would be much appreciated, cheers.
if its anyfink like the rest if site work it will be put it on as fast as u can then run as fast as u can, and probs put it as a snag!
If you can handle wearing high viz, hard hat, boots, gloves, and sometimes glasses and no shorts well dont matter at the mo but during the summer its a nightmare, then the rest is just plastering as you would normally do it, oh and getting shouted at by health and saftey T***s for not having your brake on you tower >:(
oasis said:
if its anyfink like the rest if site work it will be put it on as fast as u can then run as fast as u can, and probs put it as a snag!

What do you know you cosmetic plasterer.

First bit of advice is clear either the house or area you have been given to work in, there is nothing that will slow you down more than struggling over crap and bullets.
Before you start each day work out a plan for the day, working in a methodical way will always be quicker than running around like a headless chicken.
Always wear your PPE, theres only going to be one winner if you wind up the site agent or health and safety guy.
Buy yourself some hi-viz t-shirts they're much nicer to work in than waist coats.
Don't come in to site work thinking that standards are less important than on domestic (cosmetic) work, if your standards are high you have more chance of regular work.
Cheers for the advice, PPE will be a pain initialy as not used to wearing it especially helmet, thanks for the tip on T-shirts top tip that and will definetly get some, I take it you are allocated an area and you just crack on with it or will I work with other spreads on the same area
i duno about plastering on site but iv done a fair share of paint and decoration and i allways member there being a crappy standard and all the woodwork being crap and and i live in a new house and its crap..... standars are crap on site i fort.. 4 days 2 paint a 3 story house on ya own.. that's never ganna look good.
site standards usully drop due to it being price rathe than day work & poor lighting also so you get alot of chancers just turn up on sites and get starts
napper83 said:
site standards usully drop due to it being price rathe than day work & poor lighting also so you get alot of chancers just turn up on sites and get starts

Your right of course napper but there are at least as many chancers going around doing domestic work but they seem to get away with it easier because the public know so little IMO. And of course site do vary in the standard they expect but if you keep your standard up you can't be wrong can you.
That's fair play napper it's just that some that don't do site work think that we're all as rough as f@@k.
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i know andy theres a few chancers on here think its impossible to put 80+ mtrs a day without having a team of snaggers ::) ::)
napper83 said:
i know andy theres a few chancers on here think its impossible to put 80+ mtrs a day without having a team of snaggers ::) ::)

LOL I think I must be getting old (44) just lately the most I've managed is 76m2. :'(
Wait till you get 53 30m2 is enough but i suppose i could do more but dont realy want to
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