Advice needed on rendering job

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New Member
Im starting a job tomorrow that involves scratching and top coating an area of brickwork.
It is 2 walls that an extension used to be built against that has since been removed.
The brick that needs rendering is approx 8 ft high and it leads onto good facing brick.
What is the best method to stop the render? A sop bead or a lath nailed along the top of
the wall. Thanks :)
SLIPPY said:
Im starting a job tomorrow that involves scratching and top coating an area of brickwork.
It is 2 walls that an extension used to be built against that has since been removed.
The brick that needs rendering is approx 8 ft high and it leads onto good facing brick.
What is the best method to stop the render? A sop bead or a lath nailed along the top of
the wall. Thanks :)
big stop sign painted bright red with STOP written on it...
or you could try a stop bead.... thats why theyre called 'stop beads' and not 'feather it into the brickwork' beads.. :P
Stop bead , stick it on in the scratch coat with a thin bed of render and point in the expose side when you top coat it will stop the rain getting in and causing probs next winter
prolly looks better than a bead of black mastic though.... brick suction should hold it in place againts the edge... good tip that.. ;)
trust churchy to come up with some proper advice... not like us p'ss takin tossers.. ;D
I'm thinking a fillet / chamfer is the way to go so rain/ice don't collect....

church said:
Stop bead , stick it on in the scratch coat with a thin bed of render and point in the expose side when you top coat it will stop the rain getting in and causing probs next winter
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