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New Member
Hi All

Just thought i would ask what you all do for advertising.

I plaster and tile and have been advetising in the local Paper but do not have much response,

Where do you all advertise?

What do you find the most successful?

Look forward to hearing from you

I advertise in something call the town crier which goes to 8500 homes costs £65 a month for half A5 page.

I get loads of work I also have t shirts ect ect ect and everybody in my local now knows tooo

local weekly paper,
also a good idea knock up a load of flyers on your home computer post them stick one up in your local newsagents its about 25p for a week it might generate some buismess might not but you have only lost 25p if it dosent.
also try local supermarket notice boards plenty of people look at them. ;)
I dont advertise at all.
I get work through word of mouth, and im booked up till the end of January.

I work by myself, and if i advertise then i would be swamped with work, and i would be out most of the night pricing jobs.
I have a few mates who advertise, and although they get a lot of work from it, they seem far too stressed out for me 8-)

I hand out a card to every customer, and that seems to work just fine for me.
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