a little rendering job tomorrow.......

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howdy chaps,i got a little bit of smooth rendering to do tomorrow around a window of an extension....it only 8 ft high by 10 ft long with the window in the middle...just want to know if i scratch it in the morning,would i be able to top out in the afternoon?i reckon the scratch will only take an hour to put on at the most.......im going for a 4 1 then a 4 1 1 with a drop of waterproofer chucked in on my top coat.....
put your waterproofer in your scratch and make your top coat stronger than the scratch and maybe leave for a day less chance of it cracking.
flynnyman said:
put your waterproofer in your scratch and make your top coat stronger than the scratch and maybe leave for a day less chance of it cracking.
ok cheers i will do a 3 1 1 for me top coat and i will put the top coat on on monday....cheerrs chaps
mickey07 said:
flynnyman said:
put your waterproofer in your scratch and make your top coat stronger than the scratch and maybe leave for a day less chance of it cracking.
ok cheers i will do a 3 1 1 for me top coat and i will put the top coat on on monday....cheerrs chaps

LOL sorry mate ive just re-read it and i meant your top coat weaker than your scratch :)
if your using a retarder then theres no chance of you finishing it in one day, it needs to be left for a couple of days to cure ideally. although alot of people do top coat it the next day
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