A little help please

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New Member
I Have rendered a 3 sqmtr wall scratch coat 3-1 mix over mesh background haven't been able to finish it of yet and its dry will i have to damp down or give it a coat of pva. Didn,t add any admixture in scratch coat but was going to add a bit of waterproofer to floating coat sorry for newbie question but hardly get any rendering jobs so a bit inexperianced at it
Plus with your topcoat you want to go 4-1 mix as you need to go weaker on the next coat i personally do 4-1 scratch with waterproofer and 5-1-1 topcoat the extra 1 is lime and a bit of feb to cream it up a bit.
will it affect render if i didnt put wateproofer in scratch coat i intend to put it in floating coat though with a bit of plasticiser
No it wont affect the render it will just pull in faster but on a small area like that it wont make a lot of difference.
yes mate soak the wall first, if you dont the scratch coat will suck the water out of the top coat before it has chance to set. give the wall a good soak, there will be a shine/glisten on the wall wait for this to go (otherwise your top coat will just slide around on the water) and then commence with the top coat ;)
No pva. I wouldnt bother with waterproofer either stick some plasterciser in it. just wet the background and lash it on. 3.1 is a bit strong so in future think about 4.1 - 5.1 or 5.1 -6.1 depending on background
thanks for your help guys do you need to use pva on outside render at all either on wall or in mix is it always better to have a mesh background or a slurry coat as base for scratch coat
dont pva outside mate. Question.... if hes going over the scatch coat same day he doesnt need to put in a waterproofer in does he? Wont feb/plasterciser on its own by ok?
So 4x1 washed sand, leave ,scratch. Then top coat 5x1 all with feb in.
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