a feel old

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New Member
any 1 feel like there about 90 wen they get in from work a think av got arthritus in me knees they f##kin ache all the time am only 26
45 this yr my arms are f**k*d my lower back is f**k*d and my sausage chips and peas are f**k*d, and to think I could have been somebody
a had sausage n chips today didnt have time to taste them so a didnt know if they were crappity smack or not ;D
u cant beat the claw hand! ;D

what about grafting your spuds off on a massive ceiling and your neck disappears into your body and you feel like the hunchback! i get the mrs to stand on my back, the noises are scary!!!
Oh man i hate doing ceilings all day when you can just reach them with a stretch, and your neck feels like it needs a brace or something at the end of the day :'(. Where would you get a neck brace? I also get trapped nerves in my back which amounts to masses of pain :'( Its funny you never see old blokes who were spreads that are very able bodied :(
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