45 degree angle ceiling/ vaulted ceiling.

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rowland gatward

New Member
Anyone got any tips on finishing the top edge on a 45 degree ceiling where it hits the flat ceiling cos I can never get a nice straight line? Normally the board work ain't dead straight but still must be a way of getting it better than I've been? Is there such thing as a 45 degree angle trowel maybe? Thanks
Depends how uneven it is, but if ya really want it nice and flat use a string-line and build it out with bonding first Rowland:RpS_thumbup:

Must admit I always try to talk 'em into curving it:RpS_sneaky:
if its not straight m8 i would put bonding on it and use the feathered edge of a straightedge that should fit into the angle, you do get angle trowels that are ajustable might be worth getting
plenty of options there for ya mate:RpS_thumbup:, if the customer is not sure what they want i always suggest curving them and have lost count of the times they have said, oh that looks nice and much better than a striaght line, :RpS_bored:
I have done then with a 3 mm stop bead and also worked to a straight edge , they are fiddley to do but do look good if done right,
Make sure you boarding is cock on .
Also make sure you tape the angle i prefer to tape it with the bonding, coz it wont stick to the bonding afterwards also the wider fibre tape is ideal for curved angles.
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