240v minijet

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Private Member
finally found some info on the minijet, can any one tell me how many bags of hardwall it will spray in about 4hours and can it spray mono and ocr.

is the 3 phase version a much better machine?
cheers monkey, my heads battered trying to decide what i want and if i really will make good use of a machine
if you don't think your gonna use it that much mainly just for rendering and floating then a minijet is ideal mate as there nice small machines , grands got one if your thinking i'l be using it day in day out then maybe go for something a bit bigger like a monojet , if your serious get in touch and we can have a chat and work out what machine would be best for you
cheers ill have a think about it see where i get sent next no real need if i get sent to a skimming job, this job im on now has got me sick of laying on hardwall by hand but its almost finished ;D
good thing about the mini is its easy to transport simple to work and takes up no room in van monkeys got my old g4 another great machine i dont use a machine enough so got the mini
how much do the bagged renders work out to be compaired with using ordinary s/c per m2??.

monkey do you think you can write a comprehensive guide explaining each machine, the benefits and the prices for us ???.

I have been tempted for ages but the choice and knowing what machine does what and prices has stumped me. If you could write a guide explaining everything in simple terms then maybe you could generate yourself some more business .

thanks rich
it's easier to discuss them over the phone as we can discuss all your needs then decide on the best machine the right setup etc etc i'm happy to talk to anyone over the phone feel free to call evenings (not after half 7 though as my kids go to bed then) weekends whenever, my number is on the website or you can call simplybesty (paul) it would take me ages to write a guide to each machine
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