2 scratch coats?

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A house over the road from me is getting god knows what as a top coat. It's a stone built terraced house and on Wednesday last week they gave it a scratch coat, but today they gave it another scratch coat!!! Is that standard practice when rendering stone built houses?
if its sandstone then they may be putting a 3 coat NHL 3.5 lime render on it.... anyway why dont you just go and ask them ???
Render Systems said:
if its sandstone then they may be putting a 3 coat NHL 3.5 lime render on it.... anyway why dont you just go and ask them ???
I don't want to come over as a nosey fooker ;D
you dont want to come over as a novice ;D

hi mr plasterer, i'm a plasterer aswell. what are you doing?
yea you got to do it properly ,otherwise he might get the hump.Be nice,"Doing a grand job there mate,in the game meself,rare to see a good spread these days,blow a bit of smoke up his ass,and he is sure to let you know what he is at.
just say ' oh you make it look so easy' ;D

anyway fancy coming back to mine for a cheese sarny and a good hard shag :)
You lot
2 scratch coats?

Will pop over tomorrow and I'll even ask if he'll take me on as a lab
2 scratch coats?
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