2 best tips iv picked up from the forum

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The best way to round off ceilings is to cut a drainpipe the length of the room then cut a section just under half all the way down the length then screw the piece up pva it then skim
I used a ladle once to round a swimming pool worked a treat, but the mrs went potty when she realised I'd nicked her ladle.
Best one i have heard is a hand full of dottin in ur finish to re***d it and it works but i found it stays fatty for ages !!!!!
best tip ive got is, ask the client wot colur paint the going to paint the room!!get the paint for them then add the paint to your setting mix!
dont knoew about the carpet g lue?but a bit of finish mixed in with pva shows exactly where youve rolled on.
here's another top tip:

Keep a tin of paint the same colour as plaster in your van or estate car:rps_wink:
Then any bits you miss on the plasterboard just touch them up with a brush.
Then collect your wonga:rps_thumbup:
******* quality mate lol
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