1st try at plastering

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I'm planning to have my first go at plastering and I was hoping to get some advice before I start.

I had an opening in my kitchen which has been studded and plasterboarded and as most of it will be behind kitchen units and tiles I thought it would be a good area to try for myself. The plasterboard sits about 5-6mm back from the plaster walls surrounding it and I just want to bring it up to the same level. The plaster surrounding the area is broken away in places but has been filled to the same level as the plasterboard.

Do I need to seal the plasterboard with pva or can I plaster directly onto it? Some people have recommended that I use easi-fill so I can sand it afterwards if it's a mess. Should I use easi-fill, if not what would people recommend?

Any advice would be great, thanks.
if you need to bring it out 5/6mm I'd hardwall it first, then skim it. Get yourself a bit of straight wood to rule it off though to get it really flat. No you don't need to seal the plasterboard with pva, but don't forget to scrim over the joins. Forget the easyfill, you can't really spread that on like multi-finish, and you can sand multi, just ask Nisus :RpS_wink:
Can't hardwall over board mate you want to scrim all the joints use bonding coat rule it flush scrim over the joint of the plasterboard and existing stuff unibond whatever existing stuff you're skimming over then skim it with multi finish
I dabbed a reveal with hardwall cause it's all I had left gave it a little pull and the board came straight off that's how I learnt mate lol
if you need to bring it out 5/6mm I'd hardwall it first, then skim it. Get yourself a bit of straight wood to rule it off though to get it really flat. No you don't need to seal the plasterboard with pva, but don't forget to scrim over the joins. Forget the easyfill, you can't really spread that on like multi-finish, and you can sand multi, just ask Nisus :RpS_wink:

Yeah just get the belt sander on it next day, saves trowelling up. :RpS_biggrin:
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